Pay for individual membership

For $55 / €45 per year, you can support our organisation by becoming and individual member.

As an individual member, you can:

  1. Influence global policies,
  2. Voice your concerns at places where important decisions are made,
  3. Connect with other individual members in our network,
  4. Input into important publications, events and toolkits,
  5. Take part in our programmes,
  6. Attend webinars and events to exchange experiences and good practices,
  7. Showcase your work within our network on our website, in our monthly newsletter and on our social media channels.

Your individual membership will begin as soon as you have made your payment.

Message to Inclusion International

Learn about Membership

Thank you to our Individual Members

  • Richard Bennett
  • Rochelle Baxter
  • Tim Gadd
  • Angela AuCoin
  • Catriona Johnson
  • Brie Wexler
  • Johanne Powell
  • Caitlin Bailey
  • Martine Irumva
  • Roseny Fangco
  • Kristen Lewis
  • Sue Swenson
  • Amy Wright
  • Denise Padgett