Once per quarter, Africa’s Regional Representatives to Council bring together the members in Africa to share and learn about a different topic.

On September 17th at 10am GMT (Ghana) / 1pm (EAT), the member organisations in Africa will be coming together to discuss the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in humanitarian action.

When we say “humanitarian action,” we are talking about the action that organisations take to help people with disabilities in a crisis like a war, natural disaster, famine, etc.

During the meeting, everyone can share your thoughts and experience about these questions:

  • What does access to support in a crisis (for example, floods, war, or another disaster) look like for people with intellectual disabilities and their families in your country?
  • When humanitarian support is not inclusive, does your organisation step in and help to fill gaps? What kind of humanitarian services work are you doing?
  • What are the challenges or barriers?Do you ever work in partnership with big humanitarian organisations – like acting as an advisor or training them? What is this partnership like?
  • Do you do advocacy about inclusion in humanitarian action, and what are your key messages?
  • How should our network work together on humanitarian action? 

The meeting will take place on Zoom. The meeting will be in English with interpretation into French.

Only Inclusion International members from Africa can take part in this meeting.

Members can reach out to Kimber for more information or to access the Zoom link.