The European Platform of Self-Advocates organises a conference every 2 years.

The conference is called Hear our Voices!

It is a meeting of self-advocates, organised by self-advocates.

More than 100 self-advocates meet at Hear our Voices! to talk about what is important and to learn from one another.

This year the Hear our Voices! self-advocacy conference takes place September 20-22, 2023 in Tallinn, Estonia.

The main topic of the conference is: Make it real! How to promote self-advocacy in countries where it is not strong.

There will be workshops led by self-advocates, who share their experience in different ways self-advocacy works:

  • How they came to be a self-advocate.
  • What it takes to organise self-advocacy groups and organisations.
  • What a good support to self-advocate looks like.
  • Where self-advocates speak to share their views and knowledge.

There will be discussions about what governments and organisations need to do to support and include self-advocates.

This is the draft programme of the conference.

More information about the conference and how to register is here on the Inclusion Europe website.

“I hope to see as many self-advocates in Tallinn as possible. It feels good to work together with a group of fantastic people in EPSA for our goals. I can also learn a lot from other self-advocates working with EPSA.”

László Bercse, Chair of EPSA