Listen Include Respect Workshop @ Learning Disability England’s Annual Conference in Leeds
Leeds, Europe
Learning Disability England is hosting its 2024 Annual Conference in Leeds and London. This year’s theme is focused on Politics and Policy: Influencing and Leading Change. Workshops will focus on sharing examples of influencing and creating policy for good lives and engaging in politics and campaigning.
Date & Time
The workshop will be a part of the Leeds Annual Conference on the 7th of February from 10:30am – 3:30pm.
As a part of the morning sessions, the Listen Include Respect guidelines will be presented on at 11:15 am.
The Annual Conference will take place at The Studio, Leeds.
The goal of the workshop is for attendees to understand more about Listen Include Respect.
The Listen Include Respect (LIR) guidelines have been developed by Inclusion International and Down Syndrome International to set standards for organisations to include people with intellectual disabilities in their work, including producing accessible materials and planning inclusive meetings.
The LIR guidelines have been developed through an inclusive process that has involved over 1,500 people (including people with intellectual disabilities, their families, supporters, and other stakeholders) through survey responses and focus groups.
This workshop will help us to think about how we can use Listen Include Respect to affect policy change.
If you would like to attend, tickets for the event are still available here.
You may also contact Ailis for more information.