Inclusion International’s new Strategic Plan approved by the General Assembly in November 2022 has marked a key shift in the way we do our work.

To build a world which is truly inclusive, we know that we need all of the members in our network to work together to spread our vision, demand inclusion, and be the models for what inclusion looks like in action.

Members told us that having spaces to come together, discuss the big issues, work in partnership, and learn together is an important next step for helping make this happen.

To help create these spaces for members to collaborate, Inclusion International is launching 7 new member groups focusing on different topics where members can connect and participate directly in the global work of our network.

We have created two types of groups that help our network come together.

  • Working groups are spaces where members come together to do shared work on a specific topic. For example, the group might work together to publish a report, host a webinar series about their topic, or create a toolkit or other resources for members.
  • Discussion groups are spaces where members can share their work and learn about the work other members are doing. Discussion groups will meet at least three times per year to profile the work of members and host small group discussions about the topic.

All of our groups are open only to members of the Inclusion International network – this makes sure that members have a private space to work together, get support, have challenging conversations, and strengthen our work as a network.

All of our groups will be run by Co-Chairs, who are leaders from within the Inclusion International network who are volunteering their time to lead a group and help start conversations about a topic.

Our 7 new working groups cover different topics that are important to our network:

  • Deinstitutionalization
  • Employment
  • Inclusive Development
  • Sibling Engagement
  • Family Support
  • Inclusive Participation
  • Sexual & Reproductive Health

Members can find the Terms of Reference for these new groups and the links to join the groups here:

Sign Up for our Working Groups and Discussion Groups