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What is a grant?

A grant is money that is given to people to help them do a project in their community.

Groups of people can apply for this money.

If they are chosen, they are given the money to pay for the different activities they want to do in their

Where is the money from?

The grant is made up of money that was donated by the friends and family of Liz Haverda in her memory.

Liz cared about making the world a more inclusive place.

What is the money for?

This money will help a group of people with learning disabilities to do a project about employment.

This is an important topic because people with learning disabilities are less likely to have a job in the community than people without disabilities.

We think everyone should be included in jobs in the community.

How much is the grant?

The grant is worth £5,000.

How long will the project last?

The group of people with learning disabilities who get the money will have 7 months to do their project – from June 2022 until December 2022.

What should the project be about?

These are some examples of the kind of projects people might do with the money from the grant:

  • Talking to businesses about why they should give people with disabilities a job.
  • Collecting and sharing the stories of people with learning disabilities who are trying to get a job.
  • Teaching other people with learning disabilities about their right to have a job in the community.

The grant can be used for other ideas you might have about employment and inclusion.

How will the project help people?

The project should create something that people will be able to see or use after the project is ended.

For example:

  • A video about inclusive jobs in the community.
  • An event to share information about the project.
  • Training about the right to have a job.

After the project, the group will write a report about how the project went and what they learned.

Who will help with the project?

You do not need to have your project idea completely planned.

If you have an idea, we can help you to turn it into a project.

Who can get this grant?

This grant is for a small group led by people with learning disabilities (about 5 – 10 people) who want to do a project about making sure everyone has access to jobs in the community.

You can apply if:

  • You have an idea for a project you would like to do that is about jobs in the community for people with learning disabilities.
  • You have ideas about what should change people with learning disabilities have jobs and are included.
  • You are part of a group that wants to do this work together
  • You have support from an organisation that can help you make this project happen
  • Your group is based in the United Kingdom

How do I apply?

Your group can apply for this grant by sending us a video about your idea.

The video should be less than 10 minutes long.

In the video, your group should answer these questions:

  1. Who is in your group?
  2. Why did your group come together?
  3. Why is making sure everyone can get a job in the community is important to your group?
  4. What kind of project would your group like to do?
  5. Is there an organisation that will support you to do this work?
  6. How will your project idea help your community?

When do I need to apply by?

Please send us your application video by May 15th, 2022.

Please send this video to

We will let you know we have received your video.

We will let you know who was chosen by the end of May 2022.