Submissions to the CRPD Committee on Article 27
Position Statement
We advocate for issues that are important to our network at the global level, like inclusive employment. This includes advocacy to the CRPD Committee.
The CRPD Committee writes advice to governments called General Comments, which explain what governments should do to fulfil different articles of the CRPD. General Comment 8 is about Article 27 on the right to employment.
Our network wrote two submissions to the CRPD Committee to contribute to their work writing General Comment 8.
Submission to the Day of General Discussion on Article 27
The first submission was to their Day of General Discussion and explains the issues that are important to our network in their work on inclusive employment.
Feedback to the CRPD Committee on the Draft General Comment 8
The second submission was written after the CRPD Committee shared their Draft General Comment 8 and asks for changes to the draft to reflect the specific barriers that people with intellectual disabilities and families face.
Our submissions and feedback to the CRPD Committee explain our network’s position on real work for real pay and asks the CRPD Committee to include issues that affect people with intellectual disabilities and their families in General Comment 8.