Inclusion International’s self-advocacy networks and groups bring together people with intellectual disabilities worldwide.

Through regular meetings, self-advocates share experiences, exchange strategies, and support one another in advocating for their rights and inclusion within society.

These groups are important in supporting individuals to voice their needs and solutions, pushing forward our vision of a truly inclusive world.

Our Self-Advocacy Groups

Empower Us Latin America

  • Self-advocates from Latin America are invited to monthly meetings to share their experiences, learn about topics important to self-advocates. The Self-advocates have participated in Empower Us trainings. 
  • Contact: Fede

Plena Internacional

Asia-Pacfic Self-Advocacy Network

  • Self-advocates from Asia-Pacific meet quarterly to share their work and experiences and build a network across Asia Pacific.
  • Contact: Ailis

Survivor Network

  • This network provides survivors of institutions a place to share their experiences, learn about their rights, and work together to help more people live in their communities.
  • Contact: Ailis

Join a Network!

Our networks welcome self-advocates and their support people to participate, share, and learn with others from across our movement. These networks and groups are open to members of Inclusion International.

By joining, you become part of a global community dedicated to creating an inclusive world where everyone’s voice is valued.