Mission and vision

A mission and vision are sentences that help explain what big ideas we believe in.
A vision explains what we want the world to look like in the future.
Our vision is a world where people with intellectual disabilities and their families can take part and be valued equally in all areas of their lives in their communities.
A mission explains what action we are going to take to help us make our vision happen.
Our mission is to advocate for the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities into their communities as valued neighbours and citizens.
To advocate means standing up for what we believe in and asking for change.
We do work towards this mission in different ways, like by going to the United Nations (UN) to ask them to make inclusion happen, or by supporting our members to ask for change in their countries.
Basic Principles of our Organisation
Our Statement of Unity is document that explains what Inclusion International believes and what our values are. For example, it says that we believe in inclusion. It talks about what our members will do to make inclusion happen.
All of our members sign our Statement of Unity to say they share the same values and goals as us.
This is the document that sets out the rules for how Inclusion International is run. It talks about things like how decisions are made in our organisation – for example, how our Council or General Assembly works.
This document also sets rules for how people check that Inclusion International is being run properly.
Our Articles of Association are also called our Constitution.