Vice-President Election
Virtual, Africa / The Americas / Asia Pacific / Europe / Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
From September 18th through September 22, 2023, Inclusion International’s full members will vote for our new Vice-President.
The Vice-President is a role for a self-advocate on Inclusion International’s Officers group. They have an important role representing self-advocates in the network and helping to make sure Inclusion International is being run well.
There are 5 candidates running for the role:
- Luis Gabriel Villarreal Peralta (Colombia), nominated by ASDOWN Colombia
- Caroline Naluwemba (Uganda), nominated by Zanzibar Association of Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ZAPDD)
- Samuel Delali Anku (Ghana), nominated by Inclusion Ghana
- Sheri Brynard (South Africa), nominated by Down Syndrome South Africa
- Uli Cartwright (Australia), nominated by Inclusion Australia
To help our voters make a decision about who to vote for as our next Vice-President, each candidate prepared a short bio and a video to introduce themselves to the members – watch them here!
Full members in good standing are eligible to vote in the Vice-President election. Good standing means the members has paid the 2023 membership fee.
The person nominated to vote on behalf of their full member organisation will receive the ballot directly via email at the beginning of the voting week.
If you think your organisation should be eligible to vote in the election but you have not been contacted and asked to nominate your voter or vote, contact Kimber.