Inclusive employment

Article 27 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) says that every person with a disability has the right to work in an “open, inclusive, and accessible” workplace.
What does inclusive employment mean?
To us, inclusive employment means having a job you chose yourself in a place where:
- People with disabilities and people without disabilities work together and are treated as equals
- Everyone gets the support they need to do their job
- Everyone is valued and treated like they belong
- People with and without disabilities are paid fairly for their work and are paid equally to people without disabilities.
I want my interview to be in simple language, not big words. I want to understand so I can answer your questions.
Favour Jideonwor, Down Syndrome Foundation Nigeria
Why is it important?
Real jobs for real pay are a human right.
We want to see a world where all people with intellectual disabilities have access to paid jobs in inclusive workplaces.
We want:
- everyone to have jobs that are a good fit for their interests and skills.
- family members who are supporters and caregivers of people with intellectual disabilities to also get the support and adjustments they need at work.
- employers to have the tools they need to make sure their workplaces include everyone
What do we hope to achieve?
We demand that the right of people with intellectual disabilities to work in inclusive workplaces in their communities be made a reality.