Inclusion International is taking a big step forward in the fight for deinstitutionalisation and the rights of people with intellectual disabilities by launching a new global Survivor Network.

This network connects and support people who have lived or currently live in institutions. It offers you a platform to share their experiences, advocate for their rights, and contribute to the ongoing work of deinstitutionalisation.

What is an institution?

An institution is any place where people with disabilities are separated from the community.

It is any place in which people do not have control over their lives and the day-to-day decisions like who cares for them and what they do with their time.

When people live in institutions their rights are not respected.

In 2023 self-advocates in our network created some videos and plain language guides about closing institutions. You can see the resources by clicking here in English and clicking here in Spanish.

Watch this video of Eli from Ceva De Spus as she shares her experiences of moving to the community:

The Survivor Network

The Survivor Network is a global group for people with intellectual disabilities who have lived in institutions.

The Survivor Network has been planned by a steering group of self-advocate survivors from around the world. Its goals are to:

  1. Give survivors a place to talk with one another about their experiences moving into the community.
  2. Help survivors learn how to speak up for their right to live in the community.
  3. Share ideas about how to work on deinstitutionalisation.

Watch this video of Leta from People First Canada as she shares her personal experiences and the importance of self-advocacy:

How can people join the network?

To join the network, you need to have lived in an institution at some point in your life. You can bring a supporter to help you as well.

The meetings will be online with the first meeting happening on November 12, 2024, at 7am UK time.

Self-advocate survivors and their supporters can register for the meeting here.

For more information about the Survivor Network you can read our easy read information guide:

Easy Read: About the Survivor Network

Organisations Meeting

It’s important for organisations to support self-advocates if they want to join the network. Discussing institutionalisation can be challenging and may bring up difficult memories for survivors. Organisations and supporters are encouraged to:

  • Help survivors understand the network’s goals and topics
  • Give support when talking about upsetting topics
  • Assist with language interpretation when needed
  • Give support during meetings
  • Help share information and resources
  • Create leadership opportunities within their organisations

If you are an organisation that wants to support a self-advocate to join, look at our guide on how to support survivors of institutions at the meeting.

Information for Organisations

For organisations and supporters interested in learning more about how to support survivors, there will be a meeting on October 30, 2024, at 7am UK time.

Register for this meeting here.

How will the meetings be run?

Inclusion International is committed to making sure Survivor Network meetings are in line with the Listen Include Respect guideline principles.

This makes sure that meetings are accessible, inclusive, and respectful of all participants.

The Importance of Community Living

By launching the Survivor Network, Inclusion International is taking a big step in amplifying the voices of those with lived experiences of institutionalisation.

This network will give self-advocates a platform for sharing but will also help self-advocates be part of the broader movement for the rights of people with intellectual disabilities to live full, self-determined lives in the community.

The following video from our member, Chosen Power Hong Kong, shows the personal experiences of individuals who have lived in institutions:

Watch Arimitsu, from People First Japan, talk about his history with institutions in the following video:

More information

For more information about the Survivor Network or to get involved, please contact:

Your voice and experience matter. The Survivor Network starts on November 12, 2024 – be part of shaping a future where everyone belongs.

Download the Easy Read guide about the Survivor Network here

Access the full information guide for organisations here