Ending discrimination

Article 5 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) says that people with disabilities and people without disabilities are equal. It also says that people with disabilities cannot be discriminated against.
What is discrimination?
Discrimination is the unfair treatment of people because of beliefs about their disability.
To be valued equally, we need:
- an end to abuse and violence
- respect for our rights and choices, including our right to have a relationship and a family
This means letting us make everyday decisions. People with intellectual disabilities may need help in making decisions but that does not mean they can’t decide.
Stigma and discrimination for women and girls is lifelong.
Fatma Wangare Haji, Kenya Association of the Intellectually Handicapped
Why is it important?
People with intellectual disabilities face discrimination in every part of their lives. In some places, they are abused and attacked for who they are.
We all have the right to live free from discrimination. This includes:
- Access to justice
- Access to information
- Being viewed equally by the law (sometimes this is called ‘Legal Capacity’)
- Right to a family
- Sexual and reproductive rights
What do we want to achieve?
We understand our rights and will fight to be respected by others.
We demand to accepted as valued citizens in our communities and to be treated equally to others.